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Format Descritption IBANService

This is how your request should look like:

Line Content
1 REQS;1234567890123456;USRT;2012-01-07;10:11:12;1-1
2 12345;12345678901;;;;
3 67890;123456;;;;
4 12345;678901;;;;
5 54321;123456701;;;;
... ...

The response looks like this:

Line Content
1 RTRN;1234567890123456;USRT;2012-01-09;14:15:16;1-1
2 67890;123456;ABCDATWW;AT126789012345678901;;CMPT
3 12345;12345678901;ABCDATWW;AT121234512345678901;54321;CMPT
4 54321;123456701;;;;AGNX
5 12345;678901;;;;ACCL
... ...

Hint (when sending a request):
The first line contains 6 fields in the predefined order:

"REQS" for Request
Bank code/
exactly 16 digits, numerical, of the requesting account holder
"USRT" for unsorted accounts
Date of the creation of the request in the form YYYY-MM-DD
Time of the creation of the request in the form hh:mm:ss
Numbering of the request in the form n-m
meaning "n"th request of "m" requests
thereby large stocks can be divided or multiple requests can be created
range from 1-1 to 999-999

The second line contains 6 fields in the predefined order:

Bank code
Account number
4 blank fields as a placeholder for the response

Permitted separators are semicolon, comma or tabulator

For Response, please note:

The first line contains 6 boxes in the prescribed order:

"RTRN" for Return
Bank code/
exactly 16 digits, numerical as in the request
"USRT" for unsorted accounts, "SORT" for accounts sorted by bank code
Date of the creation of the response in the form YYYY-MM-DD
Time of the creation of the response in the form hh:mm:ss
Numbering in the form n-m (as received in request)

The second line contains 6 fields in the predefined order:

Bank code as in the request
Account number as in the request
For CMPT related BIC or blank
For CMPT related IBAN or blank
Optional the responding office, bank code or BIC or blank

Meaning of the codes:

CMPT complete (=OK)
IBAN/BIC attached
AGNX agent not existing
meaning the IBANService has not registered the bank code and does not know which bank is responsible for the response
NDAV no data available
meaning the IBANService registered the bank code indeed, but no informations of this bank code can be delivered
ACNX account not existing
meaning the bank does not manage an account with this number
ACCL account closed
meaning the bank has already closed the account
OERR other error
meaning no otherwise relatable error occured at the investigation
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